Imagine a world where your waste isn’t the end — but the start of something new

We're creating a future with less pollution, cleaner land, and sustainable energy for all through waste to energy with integrated carbon capture.


We’re building the next generation of waste-to-energy facilities featuring cutting-edge carbon capture technology

Our waste-to-energy facilities turn everyday household garbage into clean electricity and heat for your community. We safely capture and store all emissions, making the entire process carbon-negative, and leaving a legacy that future generations will be proud of.

A single Varme waste-to-energy facility can make a big impact


tonnes of waste diverted from landfills per year, preserving our land and giving new life to what would have been discarded.

100 KM

of garbage truck mileage saved every trip, keeping our roads safer while also cutting emissions.


tonnes of carbon captured annually, shrinking the collective carbon footprint of our waste.


baseload clean energy, powering homes and industries with reliable, eco-friendly power.


We’re creating a future free from landfills

Varme’s waste-to-energy facilities transform landfill waste into clean, reliable energy that powers our communities and protects our planet.

The hidden costs of landfills

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Landfills release methane—a greenhouse gas 28 times more potent than CO2—significantly contributing to global warming.

Toxic Leachate

As waste decomposes, it forms a harmful liquid mix called leachate, which can seep into our soil and water, endangering ecosystems and human health.

Lost Land

Landfills occupy vast amounts of valuable land, preventing its use for farming, housing, or industry for 100 years, and encroaching on our communities and natural spaces.

Who is Varme?

Varme Energy combines proven technologies with bold ideas, revolutionizing waste management, producing clean energy and slashing carbon emissions. 

A new era of waste management is here and it’s powered by YOU.

Varme’s waste-to-energy facilities ensure that your waste is never wasted.

Featured projects

Industrial Heartland
Alberta, Canada

Alberta, Canada

Midlands, UK

Frequently asked questions

Want to learn more about Varme and how our waste-to-energy facilities operate? Check out our FAQ page.

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